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Here are few benefits of consuming carbonated water –
Carbonated drinks are fun to consume due to the ‘fizz’ they give when we consume. However, all carbonated drinks have calories and sugar. In order to experience the fizz and make it healthy, carbonated or sparkling water is the best option.
Carbonated water has proved to be helpful in improving bowel movements with patients of constipation and also reduce the severity of other symptoms of digestion.
Carbonated water aids in losing weight because it makes you feel fuller compared to when you consume normal water. Also, certain research suggests that carbonated water forces food to remain in your stomach for longer, which will, in turn, provoke less hunger.
Normal Soda contains phosphorus which can prove to be harmful for bone health. However, it has been concluded from a few studies that carbonated water consumption results in improving bone health.
There are many reasons why sparkling water proves to be good for health and a better option for consumption compared to normal water and soda. If you are somebody who is fond of consuming sparkling water or wishing to try it, OH bubbles hold a variety of soda stream makers that can help you make this process of carbonating easy.